Monday, August 13, 2018

# crafts for a doll laundry room # doll crafts made with paper mache

Craft a Utility Sink and Hamper for Your Doll's House

I used the wooden shelf paper to cover my utility sink's lower cupboard.
       Our 12 inch fashion dolls will love these latest additions to their laundry room. The utility sink is cut from a bright yellow bottle and so is the doll's hamper. Spot, the pipe cleaner puppy, is waiting to see if the family cat will jump into the hamper to play hide and seek. Little does he know that the giant yellow sink is intended for more than just clothes.

The utility room cabinet and sink have two towel racks
made from tiny, unfinished, wooden spools and dowels.
I covered the counter top with aluminum foil tape to
mimic a stainless steel counter top.
Supply List:
  • cardboard (boxes)
  • sharp scissors, box cutter, Exacto knife etc...
  • shelf paper with printed wood pattern
  • white school glue 
  • masking tape
  • recycled bottle (thoroughly cleaned)
  • buttons for hot and cold water knobs
  • thick, bent wire for faucet
  • fabric for the liner of your doll's hamper
  • needle and thread to match the fabric
  • aluminum foil tape
  • hot glue and gun 
  • old recycled bungee cord
Step-by-Step Directions:
  1. Cover a small box that stands approximately six inches tall with faux wood shelf paper.
  2. Attach with glue a counter top cut from cardboard.
  3. Cut a hole where the spout of an empty, clean bottle top will be inserted and glued into place.
  4. Cover the counter top with aluminum foil tape to mimic a stainless steel counter top.
  5. Hot glue a detached hook from an old bungee cord to act as a tall faucet for the sink.
  6. Hot glue silver and black buttons on either side of the facet to act as hot and cold knobs. 
  7. Hot glue two wooden dowel rods with tiny spools at either end to the box. These will become the towel racks for the dolls utility counter.
  8. To make the laundry hamper, simply line both the exterior and interior of the remaining bottle half with a burlap looking fabric using the hot glue gun. I left a bit of the bright yellow bottle's bottom showing because I think it looks terrific coordinated with the modern sink.
Left, a recycled petroleum bottle is thoroughly drained and scrubbed before being cut apart for this project,
leaving no residue inside or out. Center, cover the box and counter with masking tape for addional strength.
 Right, I recycled an old bungee cord attachment for my faucet.
Left, I cleaned this bottle thoroughly before using it; I just had to have this bright yellow color for our
 doll's utility room! Center, compare the pipe-cleaner pup to the laundry basket. Right, the laundry basket
has been covered with a burlap looking fabric both inside and out.
Sinks for A Doll's Utility Room:

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