Saturday, November 24, 2018

# paper dolls by Jessie Louise Taylor # paper dolls in color

The Dutch Twins Paper Dolls

Click directly on the image to download the largest available size.
These are the color versions of Jessie Louise Taylor's Dutch Twins Paper Friends.
Directions For Making Fold-A-Way Dolls:
  1. Mount the dolls on an old magazine cover, letterhead or perhaps even discarded clean cereal boxes. Any stiff, clean cardboard will due.
  2. When thoroughly dry, cut out all around the dark outlines and cut into lines on base to make th e locks, also cut slits in bodies where the dress tabs fit.
  3. Fold over directly on the dotted lines at the top of the heads and the dotted lines at the feet, but in the opposite directions, as shown on the tiny figures.
  4. Bring haves together and slide locks from one side into the slats on the opposite side. Doll will then stand alone.
  5. The clothes need not be mounted, but will last longer if mounted on light weight paper before cutting out. 
  6. Cut into the slits and fold directly on the dotted lines, clothes will then go on and off almost like your own garments.
  7. The hats should be folded, cut out and tipped with paste so that the back will stick to the front part below the slits.
  8. In cutting out the lobster follow same method as for the dolls.

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